
Showing posts from October, 2021

October 11 - 15, 2021

 This was a fun week. We had fall break. Their Aunt is here for the next month. We were able to have brothers in class with us. We  have made a huge mess in our school room that has still not been cleaned up. We will work on that.... maybe.    Logan is kicking butt at Language arts. It's fun to see him grasp a concept.   We worked with patterns and reading clocks. He is doing great. We are going to just have money math in small doses until I can mentally hand more. greater than less than feeding the alligator. He drew the alligator. It was one of the best things he did this week. It's the best. We went on a field trip to a dinosaur museum. We have been learning about different animals. What they eat and where they live. It was too cold for the zoo. Dinosaurs are animals. It counts! hahaha His hand writing and spelling are going well.  I have seen a marked improvement from the beginning of the year to now. It's so awesome seeing how things are developing. He...

October 4 - 8, 2021

 I would like to say that we hit the books so hard this week. That we were able to get so much done. I would like to say these things.... they would be a lie.We did work in every subject. We did learn new concepts. Things were good. I am just so tired with the new baby. I can't hardly sit through our school time. How am I to have my son do it?     Math -  We were in the midst of trying to learn money math. He can tell you what the different coins are and what they are worth. He understands how to count by 25's, 10's, 5's and 1's. Mixing the coins and asking him to count out how much you have or to hand you X amount is confusing to him. We have tried several different ways to help. We have had other people come and try to show him. I think that this is something that we will have to revisit in a couple of months. If you take the money part out of things, he is doing wonderful. We changed what we were going to work on once the money thing fell through. We did reviews....

September 27th - October 1st, 2021

   We had a busy weekend leading up to this school week. I had a baby.  Everyone was very excited.   Language Arts - We reviewed verbs, common nouns, and proper nouns.  We started in on pronouns and adjectives. He is understanding the concepts. He mixes up their names. I don't blame him. It's hard. I still struggle with remembering some of the 8 parts of speech.  He again got 100% on his spelling test. In the next couple of weeks I am going to pull words from this pasts lists for review. I love seeing how his reading has exploded since we started doing the spelling. My husband is always shocked when he flies through one of his readers.   Social Studies - We finished up on the the basics of reading a map. We will loop back to that later in the year. He understands maps. When trying to explain 2D vs 3D when making our own, he didn't love that. He wanted everything to be 3D. That frustrated him. We then started talking about things we need vs things want....