September 27th - October 1st, 2021
We had a busy weekend leading up to this school week. I had a baby. Everyone was very excited.
Language Arts - We reviewed verbs, common nouns, and proper nouns. We started in on pronouns and adjectives. He is understanding the concepts. He mixes up their names. I don't blame him. It's hard. I still struggle with remembering some of the 8 parts of speech. He again got 100% on his spelling test. In the next couple of weeks I am going to pull words from this pasts lists for review. I love seeing how his reading has exploded since we started doing the spelling. My husband is always shocked when he flies through one of his readers.
Social Studies - We finished up on the the basics of reading a map. We will loop back to that later in the year. He understands maps. When trying to explain 2D vs 3D when making our own, he didn't love that. He wanted everything to be 3D. That frustrated him.
We then started talking about things we need vs things want. Explaining the difference. To answer the question in the book or when we play a game, he knows what to say. When applying it to real life. That line is still blurry.
Science - We learned about our brain and skull. That our brain controls our body. It works even when we are sleeping. That it is soft and squishy. That our skull is made up of over 20 bones. That from the time we are a baby to adulthood that our brain changes from pliable to hard. That it protects our brain. So naturally, we needed to to experiment with how to protect an egg from braking when it is dropped from a 3foot height.
My boy tried 4 different tests. He had foam, feathers, plastic wrap, toilet paper tubes, boxes, bubble wrap and many other things to choose from to try to keep his egg from breaking. 3 of our 4 tries, the egg was intact. We only broke the one. He loved it. I have tried to upload a video but that hasn't worked for me.
Math - We tested on the concept of double digit addition. He did great.
We have started subtraction.
I have been a bit of a slacker when it comes to taking pictures of our work. I've been distracted having a new born in class with us. Once we get used to having the baby there and our new work arounds, we will be okay.
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