Homeschooling.... lets try this....
So we are doing this. We are at least going to try. Week 1 went well. My boy is a social butterfly and has struggled a bit with not seeing a bunch of people everyday. I am working on that aspect of things.
We have worked on several things this week. He loves our math program. There are games and activities that he is really liking. When we are done with a lesson, he wants come back and play the games later in the day. It's so awesome.
Spelling... I have never been a good speller. I am not even going to pretend that I am. Spell check is my best friend. I want my kids to be better spellers than me. I have an 8 word list for this young man to learn to spell each week. This week he got 6 or the 8 words right on his spelling test. He cried when he didn't get things perfect. That broke my heart. We talked about how we just need to practice more.
Then when we practiced reading, he was so excited that he knew more words because of our spelling practice. So that was a win.
We worked on proper vs common nouns.
We did science and social studies also. We worked on how we grow. What we need to grow. What is living and what is not. We tied those things into both subjects.
He is really liking doing school at home. I think his favorite part is that he is able to sleep in until 9. He has never been an early riser.
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